Our approach

We get what being truly sustainable means.

With deep expertise in technology and sustainability, we identify companies with the highest scale-up potential, whilst optimising sustainability at every stage. Through rigorous methodologies, we evaluate people, products, and businesses to ensure our decisions create the greatest positive impact. This is our unwavering commitment to both people and the planet.



Planet First Partners is classified as an Article 9 fund under the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), whereby investments are made exclusively in organisations which substantially contribute to an environmental or to a social objective.


As an Article 9 fund, Planet First Partners applies rigorous methodology for sustainable investing and commits to always follow the highest standards and strictest criteria. Our processes have been verified by Bluemark to ensure compliance with the SFDR requirements

Our Mandate

We have a growth investment mandate, targeting companies with good product market fit and delivering the transition to a sustainable economy.

Our focus is on investment opportunities that maximise economic, environmental, and social returns .

Investment Criteria

Prospective portfolio companies are thoroughly analysed to assess their scale-up potential, technological advantage, and commercial traction, all within strict guidelines ensuring substantial contributions to sustainability goals - while also doing no significant harm to any goal.

Our investment decisions align with best-in-class guidelines and regulation including:

  • EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities
  • EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals



Mobility, logistics, utilities and construction technologies of the future


Supporting the renewables transition with a systems-approach

Industry 4.0

Cleaner & more efficient industrial production

Farm 2 Fork

More sustainable farms and food product systems

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